See the charm of the city Alexandria in Egypt world-well-known

Alexandria or Al Iskandariyya is the second largest city in Egypt and one of the most famous cities of the world. In Alexandria there are a sphinx and the ancient Roman theatres. The large lighthouse entrance into 7 Wonders OF the World. Many tourists to be tightened, in order to visit Alexandria as a very beautiful place. Alexandria is the second largest city in Egypt to Cairo. The city, which became one the most popular tourist range of the Egyptian people and Indonesian students. Not too far the reason lies why it berkujung often is from Cairo is. The journey from Cairo to Alexandria takes 3 hours with the car drives speed of 70 miles per hour. Public traffic is found 25 Le also the course from station to station Ramsis Cairo Alexandria at a favourable price to only. (Approx. USD 50,000) for Economy cars. Journeys to Alexandria is not only beautiful beaches is the goal, but we will many historical places, those are very valuable from away the Qeitbey, library of Alexandria, Alexandria University of, sea Cafés, to find hotels and graves of the large men. Film Indonesia " If the Mix" was first, the national film scene agitates is cultivated also in this region. Alexandria is taken over from the name of a king, who admits from the world is. A man, born and in Macedonia grown up. It was Alexander the large one by its nickname. Alexander became on 20 June 356 v. Chr. of a king named Fillipus II born. Since the age of 13 years it studied natural sciences at Aristotales and stepped in the age of 16 years has itself a commander. After its father had died, Alexander went conquering a third of the world on military expeditions with its army into the area nearly. In the free dictionary Wikipedia ensiklopia described, Alexander extended its territory by 50-fach more largely than to its rule area left. Although Alexander is only for 13 years governed, the world recognizes its size. In each expedition of the war he was always a scientist, who everything that he did perpetuates. Acquaintance in the history of one of the scientists involved named Kallisthenes from Greece. Alexander also frequently change you for the names of the conquered area to its name. Considerable one gives it at present to approximately 13 regions in the world named Alexandria in the region, including Egypt. The input of the city Alexandria, we will be treated to the objects of interest like the state by Greece and France. It will find a quantity we to building with architectural style of the two countries to be. The beauty of the Mediterranean coast is also a reassuring sight. In addition, atmosphere of learning and the education added is favorable for the library and the university of Alexandria. After the history of the library of Alexandria v. Chr became in the 3rd century. during the rule of Ptolemäus II. of Egypt based. The library has also a complete library in the world at this time with its repertoire number reaches 400. 000. But in the 3rd century up to the 6th century n. Chr. destroyed the library of the country due to conflicts between Jews, Christians and other religions. Expected extension by Julius Caesar accomplished from Greece to Egypt take influence on the destruction of the library. This situation is nearly the same as the condition of Bagdad, which became to attack Mongolia from Dschingis Khan from that during the Abbasiden Kalifats and the substantial plundering of the treasures of the science in Bagdad in the year 2003 of American. Library of Alexandria of the Egyptian authorities in October 2002 with a very beautiful building arsitertur again-opens. It comes also with many computers and Internet network, with which large libraries in connection one brought to the world. We will be also spoiled with the Reliquien old Egypt and the Mediterranean. Masuknyapun are rather cheaply, only 3 Le. (For instance Rp. 6000) for tourists and can a library document of identification for students and pupils in Egypt receive. In Alexandria we become also a witness of the splendour of the lock castle Qeitbey a mute witness Arab and Israeli wars in the past 60 years. Its beauty can with the position of the Forts, which projects into the Mediterranean is seen. Not only a tourist area, is the grave of the scholar under the Salaf pesantren in Indonesia admits also here to the order. One of them is Imam Al-Burdah Bushairi like the author of the book in the proximity of the library of Alexandria, approximately 10 autominutes of the library is buried. Pesantren in Indonesia very much with this book in robi' ul Awwal in honours of the birth of the Rasulullah prophet Muhammad. Book Burdah is free to it. It is a Strophe poem, that the author remembers in this book that " annafsu kattifli in tuhmilhu syabba ' ala hubbir rodlo' wa in taftimhu yanfatimi" , those " Desire in humans like a baby is, if it you not curing are not it meant, reads a satisfying more forever ". Before the Islam at Egypt arrived in the 6th century n. Chr. if Alexandria became the capital of Egypt, but if Egypt conquers the Muslims, of the companions of the prophet, Amr ibn aluminum `, the capital from Egypt moved to Cairo with the name led. Since then the name of Alexandria stands began to fade. Anyhow with a large name, Alexandria will remain the main attraction for local and international tourists because of history in it. The knowledge over Alexandria. a dream its. ideals will be able to spend, the night and stepped on the ground Alexandria! You enjoy overnight accomodation, a few nights, the atmosphere of the city of the Apostel.
See the charm of the city Alexandria in Egypt world-well-known
Reviewed by Adex

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